

Feb 17

Trump team relaxes EPA restrictions on media and contracts

The Trump administration said Friday it has thawed its temporary freeze on contract grant approvals at the Environmental Protection Agency,...
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Feb 17

Wading into the Trump era of energy efficiency

Barely one week into the new administration, we are far enough into the water to see dim shapes of the...
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Jan 17

Trump wants to scrap two regulations for each new one adopted

President Trump signed an order Monday aimed at cutting regulations on businesses, saying that agencies should eliminate at least two...
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Jan 17

Virginia utility under pressure from company seeking to offer 100% renewable electricity

A national energy marketer offering electricity and natural gas in 10 states and the District of Columbia is trying to...
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Jan 17

Schneider Electric wants to help you buy clean energy

Some of the world’s most innovative technology companies, from Apple to Facebook to Google, are famous for "acquihires," or buyouts...
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Jan 17

Record Judge Vacancies Could See Trump Recast Courts

With President Trump preparing to nominate a ninth justice for the Supreme Court this week, tumult over the crucial vacancy...
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Jan 17

Many Fear Automation Will Wipe Out Jobs. But Automating Buildings Will Be a Jobs Creator

Amazon’s launch of its “Go” store -- essentially a grocery with no cashiers -- has fueled a debate about how...
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Jan 17

Week 1 of the Trump Presidency: Infrastructure Plans, Budget Cuts, Appointees and More

Did you blink? If so, you might have just missed a major piece of news this week. We’re just seven...
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Jan 17

Arthur Rosenfeld, Zealous Champion of Energy Efficiency, Dies at 90

Arthur H. Rosenfeld, a physicist who became widely known as the father or energy  efficiency for championing energy-saving requirements for...
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Jan 17

Now Hiring: The Growth of America’s Clean Energy & Sustainability Jobs

Over the past several decades, the United States has been transitioning into a more environmentally sustainable and energy efficient economy....
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