Energizing Efficiency Campaign

Participation forms were due July 15, 2024.

Tell us your story. We want to hear about your energy efficiency successes. No project or program is too small. 

To showcase the incredible work being done across the Commonwealth and to inspire even more, the VAEEC launched our Energizing Efficiency Campaign in May 2023. The campaign highlights programs and projects big and small, from all sectors and regions, to proudly demonstrate how energy efficiency helps Virginians save energy and money.

What you get 

Recognition among Virginia’s energy efficiency industry:

  • Spotlight on the VAEEC website featuring photos and submission summary
  • Featured post on VAEEC social media platforms
  • Publicity in VAEEC’s monthly e-newsletters (~1,400 subscribers)
  • Acknowledgment at the fall Energy Efficiency Forum
  • Automatically nominated for the Virginia Energy Efficiency Leadership Awards
  • Your project/program summary turned into a case study

Every submission will be featured on the VAEEC website, social media platforms, and monthly e-newsletters. Additionally, projects and programs will be highlighted during the VAEEC’s fall Energy Efficiency Forum and on the VAEEC social media platforms throughout the year.

Furthermore, the VAEEC Education & Events Committee will select a few submissions that they believe went “above and beyond” to be awarded a Virginia Energy Efficiency Leadership Award. These recipients will have the opportunity to speak at the awards ceremony, which will be held in conjunction with our fall Energy Efficiency Forum, when they receive their glass award.

How to be a part of the campaign 

Everyone who submits a participation form will be featured in the campaign so long as they meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • The project or program must be located in Virginia
  • The project or program must be completed
  • Results can be quantified (actual or projected energy savings in engineering units (kWh, BTU, etc.) or effects of outreach (i.e. number of homes served))

The participation form closed on July 15, 2024. Check out the past participants webpage to learn about the projects and programs submitted last year. For more details, check out the campaign FAQ page.