E-Newsletters Archive


December 2020: VAEEC Connections

September 2020: VAEEC Connections

August 2020: VAEEC Connections

July 2020: VAEEC Connections

June 2020: VAEEC Connections

May 2020: VAEEC Connections

April 2020: VAEEC Connections

March 2020: VAEEC Connections

February 2020: VAEEC Connections

January 2020: VAEEC Connections


December 2019: VAEEC Connections

November 2019: VAEEC Connections

October 2019: October E-Newsletter

September 2019: September E-Newsletter

July 2019: Announcements and Upcoming Events

June 2019: Announcements and Upcoming Events

May 2019: May E-Newsletter

April 2019: Upcoming Events, Opportunities and Updates

March 2019: Upcoming Events, Opportunities and Updates

February 2019: Upcoming Events, Opportunities, and Updates

January 2019: Event Recaps, Opportunities, and Updates


December 2018: Happy Holidays from VAEEC

November 2018: Event Recaps, Upcoming Opportunities, and Updates 

October 2018: Event Registration and Agenda, Updates, and More!

September 2018: Networking, Leadership Awards, Celebrations, and MORE from VAEEC in September!

August 2018: Happy Hour, Webinars, Leadership Awards and MORE!

July 2018: Leadership Awards Application Now Open! Plus LOTS of C-PACE updates, webinars, and more!

June 2018: Big News from VAEEC! 

May 2018: Educational Videos! Green Drinks! Blog Posts! Oh my!

April 2018: Featured Member. New Faces. Spring Meeting. PACE Updates.

March 2018: Spring Meeting Agenda. Sponsorship Opportunities. Member Updates.

February 2018: Legislative Updates. Save the Date. Get Involved.

January 2018: General Assembly Updates. PACE Progress. Northam Transition. And More…


December 2017: PACE Updates. Legislative Previews. EE in the News. And More…

November 2017: Award Winners. New Videos. Election Insight. And More…

October 2017: We showed these VA legislators energy efficiency in action for #EEDay2017

September 2017: Fall 2017 Meeting registration is open

July 2017: Live: Virginia Energy Efficiency Awards Application

June 2017: New EE in Virginia Report and the latest from the SCC

May 2017: May 19th Spring Meeting and More

April 2017: Two timely opportunities exclusive to VAEEC members

March 2017: Make your voice heard on federal funding, building codes

February 2017: A look back as we surge forward- 2016 Annual Report

January 2017: PACE Luncheon, Industrial EE Webinar and Policy Updates


December 2016: Congrats to our Award Winners and Welcome to our New Board Chair

November 2016: New Report on EE in Virginia and a Building Codes webinar

October 2016: November Meeting Registration Open; Awards Nominations Due Tomorrow

September 2016: Register for PACE Webinar and Plan for National Energy Efficiency Day

August 2016: Awards Q&A. Fall Meeting Date. Plus…We’re Hiring!

July 2016: Awards Nominations, Webinars + More Opportunities

June 2016: EM&V in the SCC Spotlight, Plus our New Logo and Website

May 2016: Vote for VAEEC’s First Webinar Topic

April 2016: Registration Open for May 26 Meeting

March 2016: How Did Energy Efficiency Legislation Fare in 2016 General Assembly?

February 2016: General Assembly Update and Clean Power Plan Stakeholders Group Update

January 2016: General Assembly Kick-Off, Clean Power Plan Report, PACE, and Multifamily Energy Efficiency Coalition 


December 2015: Our 2015 Annual Report and Season’s Greetings

November 2015: Key Takeways from the Fall Meeting

October 2015: Meet Our New Executive Director at Nov. 12 Meeting