

Dec 16

LEDs Cut New York’s Christmas-Light Energy Needs by 35%

In December 1989, Clark Griswold’s impressive lighting display caused a peaking power plant to come on-line somewhere in Illinois. Fast-forward...
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Dec 16

Energy Efficiency Jobs: Nearly 1.9 Million and Growing

President-elect Trump should look to clean energy and energy efficiency if he wants to make good on his jobs promise...
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Dec 16

Bill Gates Launches $1 Billion Breakthrough Energy Investment Fund

Billionaire philanthropist and investor Bill Gates is launching a $1 billion fund, called Breakthrough Energy Ventures, to invest in new...
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Dec 16

In Kentucky’s Dying Coalfields, Can Mining Jobs Be Transformed Into Sustainable Jobs?

Gwendolyn Christon, the 61-year-old owner of the IGA grocery store in Isom, Kentucky, has been working at the store since...
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Dec 16

NRDC: States Have the Legal Authority to Lead on Clean Energy

NRDC filed a “friend of the court” brief on December 9th to support New York State in defending against a...
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Dec 16

Conservation Voltage Reduction: Dominion’s “Fifth Fuel”

Nine years ago the Commonwealth of Virginia produced a state energy plan that included among its objectives the cutting of...
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Dec 16

Three Reasons Trump Doesn’t Matter to Energy Policy

The forces driving clean energy are likely to continue progressing regardless of efforts by President-elect Donald Trump to reverse them, a leading...
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Dec 16

Can the US cuts its energy use in half by 2050? Yes, but we will have to double down on our efforts.

Five years ago, ACEEE found that energy efficiency could reduce projected 2050 US energy use by 40–60%. As a result,...
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Dec 16

DOE Launches Signature Partnership to Jump-Start Zero Energy Schools

On December 6, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced the launch of a new partnership to jump-start zero energy...
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Dec 16

How many jobs does clean energy create?

Declining costs of wind, solar power and energy efficiency is helping to drive a shift from fossil fuels generally — and coal...
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