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(Yale Center for Business and the Environment)

Before the federal government discontinued the United States Department of Energy’s (DOE) Qualified Energy Conservation Bond (QECB) program in 2017 as part of its tax reform package, states like Virginia leveraged this program to accomplish energy efficiency goals.

When evaluating how to use Virginia’s QECB allocation, decision makers considered the increased flexibility of Green Community Programs (GCPs) relative to traditional QECBs and “qualified” projects.

GCPs can issue bonds for any mix of public and/or private projects. In contrast, under the traditional QECB structure, a maximum of 30% of allocations can be issued for private projects.

In addition, GCPs are not subject to the 20% energy-reduction requirement. This broad scope and relaxed requirements allow them to be structured and operated on a case-by-case basis, leaving significant room for creativity and adaptability to different states, locations, and projects.

Read the case study here. 

As federal efforts lag, states are picking up the slack on appliance standards

With a little more than a year elapsed since President Trump’s inauguration, progress on federal appliance standards has slowed to a crawl, while state efforts are picking up steam. Although the administration affirmed or completed several important Obama-era standards during its first months, others remain in limbo. The US Department of Energy (DOE) has now missed multiple legal deadlines and, in December, released a regulatory plan that puts the government on track to miss many more in 2018 and beyond. State policy makers have not wasted any time stepping into the breach; this year is already shaping up as a big one for state standards.

Status of standards at risk

With President Trump and Congress both focused on cutting regulations, 2017 opened with all eleven standards finalized during the last year of the Obama administration on the chopping block. Some good news: seven of these standards are now safe from rollbacks and efforts to protect the other four are underway. Here’s the rundown:

  • Manufacturers, consumer groups, and environmental advocates all urged preservation of four major standards developed through the negotiated rulemaking process. In spring 2017, after reviewing public input, the administration affirmed new standards for central air conditioners and heat pumps, beverage coolers, swimming pool pumps, and walk-in coolers.
  • Three standards developed through the more common, non-negotiated rulemaking process were on some target lists for repeal by Congress. But deadlines for Congressional repeal passed with no action to remove the new standards for ceiling fans, battery chargers, and dehumidifiers.
  • Four other standards remain in limbo. Although signed and issued in late 2016, final standards must wait 45 days for publication in the Federal Register to allow stakeholders to identify errors, and this error-correction period spanned the change in administrations. The only error correction request filed was non-substantive, yet a year later the Trump administration has still not officially published standards for portable air conditioners, air compressors, commercial boilers, and uninterruptible power supplies.

Read more. 

Virginia building code update hits a wall, and no one’s sure why

A proposed update to Virginia’s residential building code has been held up in administrative limbo despite a consensus from homebuilders and energy efficiency advocates.

Virginia homebuilders and energy efficiency advocates reached an agreement late last year on an overdue update to the state’s residential building code.

What happened next has frustrated advocates who had hoped to celebrate the state’s first residential code update this year in almost half a decade.

Weeks after a citizen board forwarded the proposal to Gov. Ralph Northam’s office, the rules remain held up in administrative limbo, and it’s unclear why. The governor’s  office hasn’t published the proposed changes in the Virginia Register, which would start a necessary public comment period.

Meanwhile, state fire safety officials oppose the changes, though it’s unclear whether their position is a factor in the delay at the governor’s office. A spokesman for the governor would only say the rules are “under review.”

The residential building code, which sets minimum efficiency standards for heating, cooling and lighting in newly constructed homes, haven’t been updated in Virginia since 2014, when the state adopted a residential code comparable to a national model code. New homes in the state cost more to heat, cool, and light than similar homes in states with more recent codes.

The recommended changes were compiled by a citizen board empowered by state law to advise the state Department of Housing and Community Development. Governors and state agencies typically adopt citizen boards recommendations verbatim because of their consensus-building processes.

Among the changes would be new requirements to test indoor air quality, conduct mechanical tests of heating and cooling ducts, and use the government ResCheck system as a compliance option for efficiency ratings.

“We were able to get these things through on a compromise,” said Chelsea Harnish, executive director of the Virginia Energy Efficiency Council (VAEEC). “Since then, the regulation has been stalled. We’re very frustrated. New homes won’t reap the benefits of the efficiency gains we were able to achieve.”

Read more. 

VAEEC Statement on Energy Efficiency Provisions of Dominion “Rate Freeze” Bill

Contact: Chelsea Harnish


Richmond, Virginia – Today the Senate Commerce and Labor Committee reported SB 966, sponsored by Senators Frank Wagner and Richard Saslaw, by a vote of 10:4 to the full Senate Chamber.

The bill often referred to as the Dominion Rate Freeze Repeal bill, includes important funding and programmatic provisions that favor energy efficiency.

The following is a statement by Chelsea Harnish, Executive Director of the Virginia Energy Efficiency Council (VAEEC):

“Throughout the process, VAEEC has advocated that any portion of over-earnings that the utilities are allowed to keep should be used to fund energy efficiency programs. We applaud the Senate Commerce and Labor Committee for passing legislation that provides significant energy efficiency gains for Virginia consumers.

“Energy efficiency is one of the easiest, most direct ways to help a vast number of customers lower their electricity bills this year and for years to come.

“Whenever Virginia takes a step to advance energy efficiency, ratepayers win with lower monthly energy costs. Businesses win with lower operating costs. Companies and the economy win with more jobs and economic activity. And we all win with cleaner air and protecting natural resources.

“While other aspects of this legislation have stirred controversy, support for Virginia to do more on the energy efficiency front has been strong and unwavering. Passage of this legislation underscores the widespread, bipartisan agreement that energy efficiency is a smart investment for the Commonwealth and for consumers.

VAEEC specifically applauds the following components of the bill:

  • States that a utility energy efficiency program is in the public interest if it passes three of four cost-benefit tests, effectively removing the burdensome hurdle of the “RIM Test”
  • Provides for the development of an independent stakeholder process to receive input on energy efficiency program design and implementation
  • Commits Dominion Energy to spending $1B in energy efficiency spending over 10 years. This includes $870M in regulated programs (at least 5% of which will be for low-income households) and $6M/year for Energy Share Weatherization, doubling the current level, which will be funded entirely by shareholders.
  • Commits Appalachian Power Company to spending $140 million over 10 years for energy efficiency programs for their customers

Just last fall the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) ranked Virginia 29th on the State Energy Efficiency Scorecard, but named us one of a handful of ‘Most Improved States.’ In doing so, it said the following: ‘However the state has significant room to strengthen efficiency programs and policies in the utility sector…. Virginia could also work to streamline the process by which utilities evaluate, measure, and verify energy savings which may help utilities to develop efficiency programs with more comprehensive measures. To keep costs low for all Virginia consumers, utilities could design programs that better meet the needs of large customers.’”


The Virginia Energy Efficiency Council is the voice for the energy efficiency industry in the Commonwealth. Our members include Fortune 500 companies, small businesses, universities, nonprofits, local governments, state agencies, utilities, and individuals. The Council’s goal is to ensure energy efficiency is recognized as an integral part of Virginia’s economy and clean energy future. As a 501c3 organization based in Richmond, the VAEEC provides a platform for stakeholder engagement while assessing and supporting programs, innovation, best practices, and policies that advance energy efficiency in Virginia. Together we are creating, implementing, and sharing energy efficiency solutions that keep costs down for residents and businesses, while improving the quality of life in our work and home environments.  Our May 2017 report, “Why Energy Efficiency is a Smart Investment for Virginia”, found that energy efficiency is a $1.5B industry in Virginia that supports 75,000 jobs. @SmartEnergyVA

U.S. cities most menaced by climate change are least energy-efficient

NEW YORK (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Miami and other U.S. cities most at risk from disasters exacerbated by global warming are also among those whose high energy consumption is fuelling temperature rise, data from clean-energy company Arcadia Power showed on Tuesday.

The coastal city of Miami, battered last year by Hurricane Irma, was the least energy-efficient in a sample of 15 cities, with its monthly energy consumption 25 percent above the national average, the data showed.

Such cities are “shooting themselves in the foot” because their immoderate energy consumption emits avoidable greenhouse gases that are heating up the planet and causing climate change, said a statement from Arcadia.

The Florida city averaged energy consumption per household of 1,125 kilowatt hours (kWh) per month, far exceeding the 2016 national average of 897 kWh.

Read more. 

Utilities can do more to reap energy-water nexus benefits

From the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy:

Many utilities are missing out on additional energy and water savings—and related benefits—despite beginning to place more value on the link between water and energy, according to our (ACEEE) new report, Saving Watts to Save Drops: Inclusion of Water Efficiency in Energy Efficiency Programs.The report examines energy utilities’ efforts to capture and value the water savings achieved through their energy efficiency programs. It builds on earlier ACEEE research regarding best practices for jointly managed energy and water programs and energy intensity of water and wastewater services.

Although the policy world often considers energy and water to be two independent and distinct areas of resource management, they are inextricably linked. It takes water to provide energy for cooling and heating our homes, and it takes energy to transport and treat the water we drink. This relationship means that energy efficiency and water conservation go hand in hand, with energy savings translating to water savings and vice-versa. Typically referred to as the energy-water nexus, this dynamic is the subject of our (ACEEE) new report.

Read more here. 

State money helps Brookline, other Massachusetts communities save the environment

When more than 200 communities across the state take small steps to become more energy efficient, the cumulative impact can be significant. As a Green Community, Brookline is contributing to that impact.

In December, the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources accepted 25 new cities and towns into the state’s Green Communities program, an initiative that provides grants to municipalities that adopt a series of energy efficiency policies and set a goal of reducing their energy consumption by 20 percent within five years.

“Communities all across the state will use these grant funds for innovative programs to reduce energy usage and invest in renewable energy projects, and the benefits will flow to taxpayers and the environment,” Massachusetts Municipal Association Executive Director Geoff Beckwith said.

The program’s 2015 progress report, the most recent available, found Green Communities had saved enough energy to power and heat 17,100 homes over seven years. The program is projected to result in reductions in greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to taking 37,000 cars off the road for a year.

Read more here. 

What the tax bill may mean for energy efficiency

Although the tax bill passed by Congress today will bring the largest changes to taxes (and government revenue) seen in decades, we don’t expect the bill to have such a dramatic impact on energy efficiency.

The greatest impacts, both positive and negative, will likely come from the broad changes to tax and revenue. Some companies and families will have more money to spend on efficiency improvements (or on energy-using activities) as a result of the tax cuts; others will have less. The deduction for state and local taxes will be capped, which could make it more difficult for state and local governments to invest taxpayer dollars in efficiency upgrades and programs. Federal deficits will go up, which could increase pressures to cut agency spending, including on efficiency programs.

In addition, two specific provisions will have a relatively direct impact on energy efficiency investments, also both good and bad:

  • The bill eliminates one type of support for state and local energy efficiency and clean energy projects by ending authority for new tax credit bonds, including Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds (QECBs), effective January 1. QECBs are state and local bonds subsidized by the federal government that finance energy efficiency improvements to public buildings, green community programs, mass commuting, and certain renewables projects. As of May, $1.3 billion in QECBs had been issued, but $1.9 billion in additional authority remained.
  • It also expands business expensing by raising the cap on deductible business investments to $1 million, and makes HVAC equipment and roofs installed in commercial buildings eligible. Although businesses depreciate, or capitalize, most investments over a number of years, they can expense investments including computers and equipment—and now HVAC systems and roofs—up to the cap, deducting the full cost from taxable income in the first year. Unlike in the earlier House-passed bill, there is no efficiency requirement, but the new equipment and roofs will generally be more efficient.

Read more (ACEEE)

2017: The Year Virginia Fought Back

While Virginia’s state legislature hangs in the balance, one outcome is clear for 2017: this is the year Virginia jumped into the race for a cleaner energy future.

The year started badly, as the Trump Administration pushed a climate-wrecking, fossil-fuel agenda that threatened to intensify climate change and the sea level rise that imperils Virginia’s coast line. But Governor McAuliffe’s last year in office proved to be a big first year for climate action in Virginia.

For the first time, Virginia made the big move to reduce carbon emissions from its power sector, 30 percent by 2030, a strong response to the federal government’s failure to recognize reality—climate change is here and already hurting communities, and smart clean energy investments are the way to move forward.

Read more (NRDC)

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