

Apr 17

American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy: “Virginia could realize 100% of pollution reductions” Through Energy Efficiency Alone

I’ve been saying this for years, but it’s great to see the superb American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) chiming...
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Apr 17

March on Climate Action by Tackling Building Energy Efficiency

As the hours tick down to the People’s Climate March this weekend, cities and private business are already forging ahead...
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Apr 17

How Big is the Market for Intelligent Efficiency Technology? You May Be Surprised

Our new research reveals that sales of learning thermostats, a very popular form of intelligent efficiency, are expected to be...
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Apr 17

Energy Upgrade California Encourages Residents to “Do Your Thing” to Lead the Way in Energy Efficiency

Golden State leaders are encouraging trendsetting Californians to “Do Your Thing”TM to set the pace for energy efficiency. State political,...
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Apr 17

The Department of Energy’s Reality Show Makes Efficiency Fun

It’s not easy to communicate excitement around energy efficiency because it’s all about HVAC upgrades, incremental improvements to boiler systems,...
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Apr 17

Companies decry Trump plan to eliminate Energy Star program

More than 1,000 U.S. companies, including some of the nation’s largest manufacturers, are urging Congress to preserve the 25-year-old Energy...
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Apr 17

Report: Fortune 500 Companies Accelerating Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency Efforts

Despite efforts in Washington to sideline action on climate change, a growing number of Fortune 500 companies are taking increasingly...
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Apr 17

American energy use, in one diagram

Spring brings new growth, new possibilities, and, best of all, a new spaghetti diagram from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)...
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Apr 17

Your Fridge May Get Washington’s Next Regulatory-Rollback

Appliance makers want Congress to ease energy efficiency standards that they say are unrealistic and costly for air conditioners, refrigerators and...
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Apr 17

Energy Star ratings are cheap, effective and popular. Why does Trump want to kill them?

Commercial real estate giant CBRE is always on alert for shifts in federal government policy that might impact its vast...
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