Category: Blog

Carbon Trading Rule Comments

The public hearings for the Carbon Trading Rule and Clean Energy Virginia Initiative have wrapped up, but there is still time to submit public comments before the April 9th deadline. VAEEC encourages members to submit comments supporting the energy efficiency carve out and are happy to help you draft comments.

VAEEC Comments

Click here to view VAEEC’s public comments.


Last November, the Virginia Air Pollution Control Board approved Governor McAuliffe’s regulations to limit carbon emissions from Virginia’s electric generating facilities. These regulations will:

  • cap emissions at 33 or 34 million tons
  • reduce carbon emissions 30% between 2020-2030

The state will hold quarterly consignment auctions to determine the cost of the allowances and the money from that auction will be given back to the utilities (not to state), which is a first of its kind in the US.

Five percent of the allowances will be withheld from the consignment auction and will be transferred to the Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy (DMME) to implement energy efficiency programs. DMME plans to hold a separate rulemaking for this piece of the carbon rule later this year. VAEEC will continue providing resources to DMME as they investigate options for program design and implementation.

There is currently an open comment period through April 9th, 2018.

State Corporate Commission Updates + Impacts of New Utility Bill

Passage of the Grid Transformation and Security Act of 2018 underscores the widespread, bipartisan agreement that energy efficiency is a smart investment for the Commonwealth. The VAEEC endorsed this legislation because of the tremendous potential opportunities for energy-saving programs that will be provided to Virginians over the next decade, including a combined commitment by the electric utilities to spend over $1.3 billion on energy efficiency programs. Unfortunately, all of that potential could easily evaporate away.

Last month, the State Corporation Commission (SCC) held proceedings to review proposed energy efficiency programs for both Appalachian Power Company (APCO) and Dominion Energy. Dominion Energy filed for approval to extend their low-income program for another five years. As defined by Virginia law, low-income programs are already determined to be in the public interest so these types of programs do not face as much scrutiny by the SCC.

During the APCO proceeding however, the SCC staff recommended rejecting all five of the utility’s proposed residential programs. For three of these programs, the SCC staff stated that the utility had not taken into account new federal lighting standards taking effect in 2020. APCO decided to withdraw one of the programs for consideration due to this change but argued in their rebuttal testimony that the SCC staff’s interpretation of the new standard was incorrect for the other two programs since they would be direct install measures. Meaning, the program contractors would directly install the new LED light bulbs into sockets where incandescent light bulbs currently exist and would not be replacing CFL light bulbs with LEDs, as stated in the SCC staff response.

Similarly concerning was the SCC staff’s re-calculation of the cost-benefit tests for APCO’s appliance recycling program renewal, which incentivizes customers in their territory to recycle secondary appliances such as refrigerators. The SCC staff stated that the company miscalculated the cost-benefit tests of this program and performed new calculations, causing the program to fail two of the four cost-benefit tests.

According to experts I’ve spoken with, these new test results calculated by the SCC staff for the appliance recycling program are questionable since there is no customer cost for this particular program, therefore, it is unclear how this program could fail the Total Resource Cost Test but not the Utility Cost Test. Below is a table that was produced in a 2014 VAEEC report explaining the purpose of all four tests.

You may be wondering what this means, especially since this is all pretty technical, but what it boils down to is this: the substantial commitments to energy efficiency by both Dominion Energy and Appalachian Power Company in the omnibus utility bill will not come to fruition if energy efficiency programs continue to be scrutinized in this manner.

To be clear, the VAEEC supports the role that the SCC plays in scrutinizing proposals put forth by the utilities. That is their job and it is an important one. However, they tend to scrutinize energy efficiency programs more so than other proposals- including new power generating facilities. They do not view energy efficiency as a true resource when it comes to planning for future energy needs, when, in fact, it should be viewed as the critical first step. The kilowatt that goes unused is the cheapest form of energy. Allowing utilities to develop robust programs that help all customers make smart energy choices helps reduce the need for new, larger power generation facilities in the future. Energy efficiency isn’t a silver bullet by any means, but it is a valuable tool in the toolbox that should be utilized much more often than it is now.

VAEEC Report Cover

Investments in energy efficiency also mean new jobs in every corner of Virginia. In our report “Why Energy Efficiency is a Smart investment for Virginia,” we found that energy efficiency is a $1.5 billion industry in Virginia that supports approximately 75,000 jobs. Greater investments and growth in energy efficiency means more jobs in the local communities being served- jobs that cannot be outsourced out-of-state or overseas. This is the argument that we have made before the SCC over the last two years.

The SCC should evaluate the economic development and job creating benefits that these programs create in the local communities they serve. These same benefits are included in the analysis to build new fossil-fueled facilities, so why wouldn’t the same economic benefits for energy efficiency be factored in as well? Especially given that most of the jobs created by building new power plants are temporary construction jobs whereas the jobs provided by energy efficiency programs are year-round and last for the life cycle of program.

The vacant seat on the SCC provides a unique opportunity to unleash the economic potential of energy efficiency for the citizens of the Commonwealth. It is our hope that a new Commissioner is appointed soon and that he or she sees the value and tremendous opportunity that energy efficiency provides. Otherwise, we will be leaving over a billion dollars on the table.

Celebrating Women Leaders in Energy Efficiency

As an all-female staff, every month is women’s month for the VAEEC. However, as March comes to a close we want to honor Women’s Month and highlight some of our formidable female leaders on our board. The VAEEC board consists of 14 people including three women: Cynthia Adams, Lesley Fore and Carla Dix. Each of the women on our board offer experience and expertise in leadership, management and technological innovation within the energy efficiency sector.  Cynthia Adams is the former chair of the Virginia Energy Efficiency Council and current CEO of Pearl Certification, a company that certifies energy efficiency in homes. Carla Dix is Lead Performance Analyst for Warm Wise, Columbia Gas of Virginia’s energy efficiency program. Lesley Fore is the Executive Director of the Local Energy Alliance Program (LEAP) and is one of our newest Board members.

We asked them about what it means to be a female-leader in the energy efficiency sector and why gender diversity is important for our sector to be fully successful. Their responses show varying approaches to the energy efficiency field and offer insight to the challenges of diversifying, how technology has changed since they began their work, as well as advice for women as they advance in the energy efficiency field.

How has the energy efficiency sector diversified since you began working in it and what challenges remain?

Cynthia: My entre into the energy efficiency industry came via my work as a green builder fifteen years ago, and there certainly weren’t many women involved in construction then. The sector has diversified some since I first started, but we have a long way to go. As more women get degrees in engineering and architecture, the number of women in energy efficiency has increased. Some women become supporters of the industry through other professional channels, such as journalism and markeing, which is great. The better we get at talking about the benefits of energy efficiency, the more uptake we can expect to see. I’ll note that when the VAEEC first launched, I was the only woman on the Governance Board. We’ve made good strides since then. Pay equity is yet a challenge; it’s been well-documented through multiple sources that young women in STEM fields earn about a third less than their male counterparts.

Carla: There have been some great new technologies since I began working in the energy efficiency sector.  Smart thermostats, for example. These have advanced features, such as occupancy sensors, learning capabilities, and even give users the ability to control their thermostat using a smartphone. Columbia Gas of Virginia received approval to offer smart thermostat rebates in Phase 3 of our energy efficiency program and reached the 3-year participation goal within the 1st year!   

A challenge that remains is the ability to engage small business customers to participate in utility energy efficiency program offerings.  It has been difficult to reach the decision makers of these businesses to educate them on the value of energy efficiency.

Lesley: I joined the energy efficiency sector in 2010 working for LEAP. While, like most job sectors, there were more men than women, I was pleasantly surprised that there were plenty of women working in this space, though mostly on the less technical side.

As far as challenges, I’ve been aware of a substantive difference in what the men were paid as compared to with similar job responsibilities and titles. At times, I’ve seen women out-performing their male colleagues, but not being equally compensated. Pay discrepancy remains a problem to this day, unfortunately. Another challenge I see in this industry is the lack of African Americans and Hispanics in programmatic or leadership positions. Energy efficiency is a topic that affects us all, no matter race, gender, or background. It would be ideal to see a more diverse cross-section of individuals in this sector representing not only their companies, but also their own unique perspective.

Why does gender diversity in leadership matter?

Cynthia: Gender diversity in leadership matters for the same reasons that cultural and ethnic diversity matter – a team that has different backgrounds and perspectives is better equiped to provide unique and innovative solutions to problems. It’s important as well for our next generation of women to have strong role models to inspire and support their own educational and professional efforts.

Carla: Gender diversity in leadership is important because men and women have different viewpoints, experiences, and insights.  Having individuals at the leadership level that possess a wide range of experiences allows for better problem solving, ultimately leading to enhanced business performance.

Lesley: When does gender diversity in leadership ever not matter? Remember the book Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus? Men and women think differently in some respects, and bring different capabilities to the table. Without one, the other is only half complete. As a society, we’re still addressing women’s issues that have existed for centuries, but progress is definitely happening, and working your way up to a leadership position is an example of how that progress is happening.

Is there any advice you can give to women who want to advance as leaders?

Cynthia: All good leaders have good mentors, so my first piece of advice is to find a good mentor. That said, seek out a woman mentor in particular. She’ll be able to give you frank and important advice that speaks to specific challenges women in the workplace must overcome. 

Carla: Get involved – take advantage of opportunities for learning, networking, and building relationships with others.

Lesley: You’ll likely have to work twice as hard as your male counterparts. It’s the world we live in. And, ask for what you want. It is easier for men to be heard for the very simple reason that their voices are often deeper and carry further. Even today, in 2018, some women are less likely to express an open in a room filled with men, who seem so comfortable with engaging and sharing their thoughts. You don’t need to be aggressive by any means; just make sure you’re heard. Don’t be discouraged when your input doesn’t seem to take hold. Try and try again.

What’s one thing women who are beginning work in the energy efficiency space should know?

Cynthia: In my experience, the energy efficiency industry isn’t markedly different from another technology industry with respect to gender. Yes, there are fewer women in it, but that doesn’t mean women can’t advance. The hardest thing women must work through from a career perspective is juggling family life with work – especially when children are very young. Preparing and planning for those years is so important when it comes to creating a fulfilling professional and personal life.

Carla: There are some very technical and complex topics you may be involved with – EM&V (evaluation, measurement and verification), cost-effectiveness tests, etc… but don’t be intimidated!  It’s great to be involved in the energy efficiency industry.

Lesley: You’re entering a sector where a lot of very smart people have dedicated a lot of time and resources to cracking the nut to increase energy efficiency adoption. It’s proved difficult, but we are making a difference. At the end of the day, making that difference leads my passion to do this work, because we’re helping families, we’re helping businesses, and we’re helping the environment.


Carbon Rule Public Hearings

Carbon Rule/ Clean Energy Virginia Initiative

The open comment period and public hearings for the carbon rule and Clean Energy Virginia Initiative are still underway. VAEEC encourages members to submit comments supporting the energy efficiency carve out and are happy to help you draft comments. We also encourage members to attend the hearings listed below:

View in PDF.

Last November, the Virginia Air Pollution Control Board approved Governor McAuliffe’s regulations to limit carbon emissions from Virginia’s electric generating facilities. These regulations will:

  • cap emissions at 33 or 34 million tons
  • reduce carbon emissions 30% between 2020-2030

The state will hold quarterly consignment auctions to determine the cost of the allowances and the money from that auction will be given back to the utilities (not to state), which is a first of its kind in the US.

Five percent of the allowances will be withheld from the consignment auction and will be transferred to the Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy (DMME) to implement energy efficiency programs. DMME plans to hold a separate rulemaking for this piece of the carbon rule later this year. VAEEC will continue providing resources to DMME as they investigate options for program design and implementation.

There is currently an open comment period through April 9th, 2018 and public hearings taking place throughout the Commonwealth in early March on the Clean Energy Virginia Initiative.

Unveiling the Newest Member Benefit: The VAEEC Membership Directory

The Virginia Energy Efficiency Council is excited to announce a new member benefit: the VAEEC Membership Directory. This member-only tool is password protected and hosted on the VAEEC website.

The directory expands networking opportunities among VAEEC members by allowing you to seek out other members with whom you share a common affiliation or interest. We are always looking for ways to improve communications with our members and are excited to provide this new and valuable service for you.

To be included, a member must provide appropriate directory contact information by emailing and membership dues must be fully paid. The directory will be updated monthly to included the latest submitted information.

To maintain access to the directory, members are asked to adhere to the VAEEC membership directory guidelines. Any member who feels that the directory is being misused should contact VAEEC staff through

Members: The Membership Directory is accessible from the Member Resources page. When prompted, enter the password provided via email. If you cannot find the password, email

New Study on Using C-PACE in the Affordable Multifamily Sector

Developed on behalf of the Energy Efficiency For All Project, the Vermont Energy Investment Corporation just released a report, Commercial PACE for Affordable Multifamily Housing, looking into the handful of affordable multifamily transactions that have used Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy financing, or C-PACE.

Growth of C-PACE in the US since 2010

In the past seven years, C-PACE financing has grown exponentially across the U.S. In fact, the latest numbers from PACENation show that there has been $521 million in C-PACE assessments funded through 1,157 projects. However, very few affordable multifamily housing stakeholders have taken advantage of this financing mechanism. Therefore, the purpose of this report was to explore whether or not C-PACE can be used to fill a financing gap for energy efficiency in the affordable multifamily buildings sector, and if so, to identify the best practices.

Several theories exist as to why C-PACE has not been commonly used in the affordable multifamily sector. However, the case for using C-PACE in affordable multifamily housing is strong:

  • Tax assessment, not a loan
  • Off balance sheet
  • Based on owner’s equity rather than future income
  • Structured to recoup savings to cover costs
  • Potential to fill financing gaps

Through cataloging existing C-PACE programs that have either been used by or created for the affordable multifamily sector, the study revealed the following findings:

  • There have been few C-PACE transactions within the affordable multifamily housing sector.
  • Most of the completed transactions have had relatively simple financing structures.
  • Thus far, only one C-PACE deal has been used on a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) financed property, and only one deal used on an affordable, multifamily transaction using the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC).
  • The differences in each state’s enabling legislation have not led to substantive differences for C-PACE program administrators. However, these variations at the local and state level could hinder the ability of capital across state borders.
  • There could be difficulties using C-PACE on new construction due to the difficulty of determining the Savings to Investment Ratio (SIR).

Based on these findings, the authors were able to compile best practices and recommendations for using C-PACE with affordable multifamily properties:

For Policymakers and Program Administrators-

  1. Encourage open PACE program design
  2. Identify and pursue opportunities with the fewest barriers
  3. Encourage opportunities in public housing
  4. Increase and document communication with HUD
  5. Require cost-effective investments
  6. Consider local development corporations (LDCs)
  7. Consider extended financing terms rather than rate buy downs
  8. Consider potential in USDA properties

For Affordable Housing Stakeholders Implementing C-PACE-

  1. Consider C-PACE as gap financing
  2. Prioritize C-PACE for recapitalization, not for mid-cycle retrofits
  3. Encourage state housing finance agencies involvement
  4. Continue to document and codify the use of C-PACE in multifamily affordable housing

Energy efficiency improvements in affordable multifamily housing reduces energy burdens for residents and helps preserve this important housing stock. The Commercial PACE for Affordable Multifamily Housing study shows that there are instances where C-PACE could help unlock additional energy savings in multifamily properties. Benefits of C-PACE should not just be enjoyed by the commercial and industrial sectors; there is a lot of potential for C-PACE to benefit the multifamily sector.

Click here to read the entire report.


VAEEC’s C-PACE Efforts

The VAEEC is committed to accelerating the implementation and utilization of C-PACE throughout the Commonwealth. Along with our PACE technical consultant, Abacus Property Solutions, the VAEEC has been intimately involved in C-PACE education and outreach with stakeholders, including localities, property owners and developers, contractors, and lenders, to build a coalition of supporters and to encourage localities to move forward with developing C-PACE programs. Additionally, we have been working with stakeholders to develop a model ordinance and with our Mid-Atlantic PACE Alliance, or MAPA, partners to develop regional guidelines to accelerate the implementation of successful C-PACE programs throughout the Commonwealth and Mid-Atlantic region.  

This study found that the high cost of C-PACE financing compared to the low cost of capital through federal or state backed housing loans is a barrier. However, in speaking with the Virginia Housing and Development Authority (VHDA) and other LIHTC experts in the Commonwealth, these low cost loans have specific restrictions that limit the ability to go beyond the standard needs of a building. In this instance, C-PACE can provide financing for measures that cannot be underwritten by HUD or VHDA, such as solar photovoltaics.

Additionally, the study briefly mentions the interaction of C-PACE on new construction and the challenges it can entail. The VAEEC has begun reaching out and working with stakeholders across the country who have experience using C-PACE with new construction to compile a list of best practices and lessons learned. This includes a list of projects that should qualify for C-PACE financing, how to determine the Savings to Investment ratio (SIR), and how to determine what percentage of the construction costs are eligible for C-PACE financing. We will continue this outreach in an effort to provide guidance to stakeholders hoping to use C-PACE on new construction in Virginia and the Mid-Atlantic region.

The VAEEC agrees with the study’s findings about the potential of C-PACE within the multifamily sector. In fact, this is a sector that we intend to focus on more in 2018. We will be working with our members, partners, and stakeholders to increase the awareness and knowledge of C-PACE within the multifamily sector.

To learn more about the basics of C-PACE, view the VAEEC PACE webpage, factsheet, or PACE video.

Latest PACE Updates and Fairfax County Lunch + Learn Recap

On November 29, 2017, the Virginia Energy Efficiency Council held our latest Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy, or PACE, Lunch + Learn for Fairfax County and surrounding areas. With an audience of approximately 70 contractors, developers, property owners, lenders, and government officials, this was our largest PACE Lunch + Learn event to-date. The Great Falls Group of the Virginia Sierra Club co-hosted the event, and sponsors included Petros PACE Finance (event sponsor) and John Marshall Bank- Tysons Corner Region (lunch and networking sponsor).

The following speakers provided attendees with an overview of Commercial PACE, including its status across the Commonwealth, case studies, and its value proposition for the area, as well as the development and status of Arlington County’s PACE program:

  • Abigail Johnson, President, Abacus Property Solutions and Atlantic PACE
  • Cliff Kellogg, Vice President of Strategic Initiatives, Petros PACE Finance
  • Richard Dooley, Community Energy Coordinator, Arlington County

The timing of this event allowed speakers to update guests on the recent PACE advances in the Commonwealth:

On November 18th, the Arlington County Board approved the County’s PACE ordinance, thus making Arlington the first locality in Virginia to offer a PACE program. Sustainable Real Estate Solutions, or SRS, will serve as the County’s program administrator in charge of outreach and education, project underwriting, and quality assurance. The program is expected to launch this month, and the County is holding a PACE training for contractors on December 12th.

In October, Loudoun County’s Finance Committee forwarded a resolution to adopt a PACE program to the full Board for discussion. The Board will be reviewing this resolution at their January 18th meeting.

  • Virginia Model Ordinance and Regional Guidelines will become available in January 2018.

The VAEEC is working with our partners to create a PACE model ordinance, which will help jurisdictions looking to develop their own PACE program. The ordinance will define the roles of all key parties (program administrator, jurisdiction, property owner, and lender), list qualifying improvements, specify how PACE works, and provide a cooperative procurement rider.

As a part of the Mid-Atlantic PACE Alliance, or MAPA, the VAEEC is working with partners across Virginia, Maryland, and DC to develop regional PACE program guidelines. These guidelines will include: project eligibility standards; the process for a typical PACE project; a suite of template documents; and application requirements. The guidelines will help provide consistency of design, administration, and documents within the Mid-Atlantic region while encouraging standardization and transparency.

The Fairfax County Lunch + Learn Presentation and C-PACE Resources document are available to view and download. Visit the VAEEC’s PACE webpage or contact Jessica Greene ( to learn more about PACE and its status in Virginia.

A First Look at the Energy Efficiency Landscape Post-Election

Virginia FlagThe recent election in Virginia had the highest voter turnout in two decades for a gubernatorial race (which occur in off-years) and brought the balance of power in the House of Delegates to a nearly even split between Republicans and Democrats. What does that mean for statewide energy efficiency policies and initiatives? As we continue to analyze the scenarios, we are actively engaging with the next Governor and his transition team.

These are our first thoughts on what to expect:

  • Both Governor-elect Ralph Northam and Attorney General Mark Herring currently hold statewide office, which means there won’t be a steep learning curve on all topics all at one time.
  • Northam has been lauded as an environmental and clean energy champion, with strong backing from the Virginia League of Conservation Voters among others. Energy efficiency isn’t necessarily his “pet project,” but we expect to find an open ear given his stance on related issues and statements like this: “Dr. Northam, as a scientist, understands the importance of energy efficiency. As a state senator, Northam supported stricter energy efficiency standards, including incentivizing companies to invest in energy efficient programs. He believes energy efficiency not only helps to combat environmental damage and climate change, but also makes business sense by saving homeowners and businesses energy costs.”
  • With a plethora of new members in the House of Delegates, there is an opportunity to educate them on key energy efficiency policies.
  • Depending on recounts, there will be 4-6 new members on the House Commerce and Labor committee, which reviews all energy legislation. VAEEC will be working with the new and returning members to educate them on the value of energy efficiency in the Commonwealth, including resuming our site visits with legislators in the spring. We led two successful tours in October which you can read about here. We’ll also share with all incoming legislators our new series of short videos on key EE policies. Watch those here.


VA Capitol BuildingVAEEC will continue to advocate for  the Governor elect to build on the progress being made by Governor McAuliffe — who we recently honored with an Award of Excellence for his leadership and support of energy efficiency in the Commonwealth — on carbon regulations, which include a 5% carve out for EE programs.

Stay tuned for more insight into how the political landscape is shaping up for our energy efficiency priorities in Virginia, including a briefing on the upcoming General Assembly session in January.

Make sure you are signed up for our monthly e-newsletters (contact and like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter to keep up to speed. 

VAEEC Honors Leaders and Innovators including Governor McAuliffe with Virginia Energy Efficiency Leadership Awards

VAEEC Energy Efficiency Leadership Award winner#VaEEleaders

First Place Winners Include:

  • Prince William County Public Schools
  • Schneider Electric
  • Chesterfield County
  • Community Housing Partners
  • Northern Virginia Regional Commission/Local Energy Alliance Program
  • Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy

Richmond, Virginia (November 2, 2017) – The Virginia Energy Efficiency Council (VAEEC) honored the winners of its 2nd annual Virginia Energy Efficiency Leadership Awards at a reception in Richmond tonight attended by more than 125 people as part of the VAEEC Fall Meeting. Governor McAuliffe received the first-ever Award of Excellence for his leadership on energy efficiency during his tenure as Governor.

2017 Energy Efficiency Leadership Awards BadgeVAEEC received more than 45 nominations for the 6 awards which showcase how energy efficiency champions across the Commonwealth are helping businesses, schools, government and homeowners save money on energy expenditures while reducing energy consumption — all while stimulating job growth and our economy.

“The winning entries are proof that energy efficiency has tremendous potential to drive economic growth, create jobs, shrink utility bills, conserve natural resources and reduce pollution,” said Chelsea Harnish, VAEEC Executive Director. “The American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy just named Virginia one of three “Most Improved States” in its 2017 State Energy Efficiency Scorecard, and these winners reflect the type of innovative, forward-thinking projects that will keep that momentum going in the Commonwealth.”

The ACEEE report together with these Awards follow on the heels of 2017 Awards on stageVAEEC’s recent report which highlighted energy efficiency as a $1.5B industry in Virginia, supporting 75K jobs.

The winners represent innovative, results-oriented approaches that are saving homeowners, renters, schools, local and state governments — indeed, every one of us as taxpayers — millions every year: From instituting an Energy Management Office for a school district to retrofitting state buildings that house the Governor’s Office and Supreme Court of Virginia to energy performance contracting for a hospital to a certified LEED Gold convention center to weatherization that could save low-income families hundreds of dollars annually.

Winners: 2016 Virginia Energy Efficiency Leadership Awards (Project Summaries below)


1st Place: Prince William County Public Schools
Submitted by: Moseley Architects

2nd Place: St. Catherine’s School
Submitted by St. Catherine’s School

3rd Place: Fairfax County Public Schools

Submitted by Fairfax County Public Schools


1st Place: Schneider Electric
Submitted by DMME

2nd Place: Sentara Williamsburg Regional Medical Center + Damuth Trane
Submitted by Damuth Trane

3rd Place: Brighter Communities
Submitted by Brighter Communities

Local Government

1st Place: Chesterfield County
Submitted by Chesterfield County

2nd Place: Virginia Beach Convention Center
Submitted by the Virginia Beach Convention Center

3rd Place: Fauquier County Government + Brighter Communities
Submitted by Brighter Communities


1st Place: Community Housing Partners
Submitted by Community Housing Partners

2nd Place: Windy Hill Foundation + Brighter Communities
Submitted by Brighter Communities

3rd Place: Richmond Region Energy Alliance         
Submitted by Richmond Region Energy Alliance


1st Place: Northern Virginia Regional Commission + Local Energy Alliance Program
Submitted by Northern Virginia Regional Commission

2nd Place: City of Roanoke + Better Building Works, LLC
Submitted by the City of Roanoke

3rd Place: RIC Design Build
Submitted by RIC Design Build

State Government

1st Place: Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy
Submitted by DMME

2nd Place: Blue Ridge Regional Jail Authority
Submitted by Blue Ridge Regional Jail Authority

3rd Place: Virginia Department of Corrections
Submitted by the Virginia Department of Corrections

Any person, entity or group who works on energy efficiency in Virginia was eligible for the Awards which were chosen by a Selection Committee, comprised of members of the VAEEC Education and Outreach Committee and additional volunteer members of VAEEC.

The awards were presented by members of the Selection Committee along with VAEEC Board Vice Chair, David Koogler and Harnish. Those in attendance were also treated to the screening of a new series of short videos highlighting VAEEC’s four focus areas: Building Codes, Energy Performance Contracting, Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Financing, and Utility Energy Efficiency Programs.

Watch the videos here.

Earlier in the day, attendees at VAEEC’s Fall Meeting were treated to sessions on a range of topics from smart home technologies to benchmarking to utility programs. Panelists on the closing panel, Hayes Framme, Deputy Secretary of the Commerce and Trade, and Bob Matthias, Assistant to the City Manager in Virginia Beach, addressed the question, “What’s next for EE in Virginia?” as the Commonwealth prepares for a new Governor and new members of the House of Delegates.

Winner Project Summaries


1st Place: Prince William County Public Schools

Prince William County SchoolsCreated in 2013, the Energy Management Office (EMO) plans and manages School Division energy use and sustainability, improves environmental and fiscal stewardship in facility use, and educates staff and students in energy and environmentally conscious design. Foundations of Energy Conservation was the inaugural project, focused on: maintaining the comfort and safety of teachers, students, and employees; saving utility dollars to reinvest in school board priorities and energy infrastructure improvements; and fostering a culture of sustainability and conservation. The education of faculty and staff in all the county’s K12 schools was the key to the Foundation phase’s success.

Prince William County Schools Energy Star AwardUnder the guidance of the Administrative Coordinator, three Energy Education Coordinators worked closely with the teachers and staff at all the county’s schools to help them understand their school’s energy performance, why it was performing that way, and what actions they could personally take to make their school a better performer. Because the EMO tracked energy performance and associated reductions in energy bills at each school, cash rebates were made available to schools with significant performance improvements. Over the first five years of the program, Prince William County Schools distributed $1,800 of rebates back to 95 schools, cut their utility consumption by 20%, and saved $24.4M and 191M kWh of electricity. Perhaps more impressive, the EMO has witnessed the indirect benefit of teachers working what they learned into the academic lessons they teach in the classroom. The Foundations program has matured and the EMO is ready to move into the next phase of energy management, which will focus on student education and behavior modification related to energy conservation.  

2nd Place: St. Catherine’s School

St. Catherine’s embarked on a Comprehensive Energy Conservation Plan (CECP) six years ago to determine the most effective approach to affect quantum leap and sustainable energy conservation measures. The result has been the execution of a central heating plant decentralization strategy from inefficient legacy boilers (45% efficiency) to distributed highly efficient energy internet controllable and monitored gas fired boilers rated at 98% efficiency,  LED lights throughout campus, the installation of 110 touchless water saving automatic faucets, the implementation of three solar arrays (600 panels – 150 kWh), a Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) fueling station and the purchase of CNG vehicles. Additionally, the school is currently implementing an internet based system to provide a dashboard for energy monitoring of individual buildings. Since implementation, St. Catherine’s School has seen $122,472 in energy savings.

3rd Place: Fairfax County Public Schools

In 2014, Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) partnered with Cenergistic to provide energy management, conservation, and educational services division wide. FCPS then assigned a team of energy specialists, engineers and other experts to analyze each aspect of the operations and infrastructure. FCPS’ goal is to ensure that every piece of equipment, and every system, is optimized for effectiveness and efficiency. All energy savings are tracked through a process of Measurement & Verification using a third-party accounting software, EnergyCAP®, which processes additional factors affecting energy use, such as changes in weather patterns, buildings renovations and new construction, student enrollment capacity changes, equipment or use changes and differences in billing cycles. Since the inception of the energy conservation program, FCPS has seen more than $16M in cost avoidance savings and more than a 20% quantifiable reduction in utility use division-wide. The savings generated through the program allow FCPS to set an example for students and the community by investing one-third of every project dollar into increasing energy efficiency and sustainability efforts.


1st Place: Schneider Electric

Virginia Supreme Court buildingSchneider Electric is implementing a variety of energy conservation measures, including the installation of more than 17,000 high efficiency LED lighting fixtures and more than 500 low-flow plumbing fixtures. The project will impact office, laboratory and warehouse buildings in Richmond, as well as key Department of General Services buildings including the historic Patrick Henry Building, which currently serves as the Governor’s office, and the Supreme Court of Virginia. The older, historic buildings will be retrofitted so they can benefit from modern efficiency measures, while still maintaining their architectural appeal and historic integrity. The project includes six buildings and will result in annual energy and operational savings of $245,000, or $4.1M over the life of the project.

2nd Place: Damuth Trane

Sentara Williamsburg Regional Medical Center (SWRMC), a Certified Primary Stroke Center, has 145 licensed beds and features the latest healthcare technologies. In 2014, the hospital partnered with Damuth Trane, a Professional Energy Services company headquartered in Chesapeake, VA, to perform a building energy tune-up that optimized operation of existing facility systems. Advanced building data collection methods, energy analytics, utility bill analysis and a detailed engineering review uncovered substantial efficiency improvement opportunities. Damuth Trane collaborated with SWRMC staff to implement energy conservation measures to building HVAC and control systems.

The project was justified and funded through utility cost avoidance in the operational budget. In 2016, SWRMC documented a 24% reduction in annual building energy consumption, equating to $647,267 in total avoided utility costs, making the project cash-flow positive within the first year. Continuous data collection, automated analytics, web based reporting tools and remote monitoring were instituted to sustain the efficiency gains. This program is repeatable at similar healthcare facilities.

3rd Place: Brighter Communities

Brighter Communities improved existing functions designed to encourage renewable energy technologies, projects and initiatives through implementing a five-phase plan. Phase One saved significant energy in Fauquier County Government and Fauquier County Public Schools. Phase Two used five websites to document aspects of energy conservation and to display key results, recognize participants / volunteers, and educate viewers with innovative “storyboards”. Additionally, the websites capture energy money savings, carbon footprints, kWh usage, and best practice tips for energy conservation programs, processes and metrics. Phase Three publicly recognized 45 local entities at three events for their energy conservation efforts and a new initiative called the Energy Research – Learning Institute. Phase Four increased local business visibility through a new website that increased community support for their products and services. Phase Five will create new energy conservation software linked to a new website, which will combine the other four repositories into one, easy to navigate site (to be released winter 2017). Buildings are already beginning to see energy savings. For example, the Chestnut Forks Tennis and Fitness Club saved over $3,000 in a 90-day period due to energy conservation efforts, timely usage measurements, and a team approach.

Major players in all of these projects and initiatives include Airlie Foundation, Barrel Oak Winery, Brookside Developments, Chestnut Forks Tennis and Fitness Club, Fauquier Livestock Exchange, Pearmund Cellars, Old Bust Head Brewery, Poplar Springs, Red Truck Bakery, SiteWhirks Software Development, and Vint Hill Craft Winery.    


Local Government

1st Place: Chesterfield County

To be good stewards of the public trust and responsible protectors of the Chesterfield County Whack a Wattenvironment, Chesterfield County supports a comprehensive energy management program. The main goal of the program is to reduce energy use while maintaining occupant comfort and productive working environments. In addition to an Energy Management Administrator, instrumental to the program’s success has been procurement of energy management software to monitor cost and use and measure program results.

Initiatives include building use reduction management, large scale lighting retrofits, energy audits of all facilities, rate analysis, energy star submissions, demand response, water use reduction, commissioning, and outreach. Pilot projects include a spray foam insulated unvented roof deck, Nature Neutral Alpen energy-efficient windows, and bi-polar ionization. Education and outreach includes placement of interactive, real-time utility monitoring touch screen kiosks in their 13 middle schools, which allows students to view school energy use in real-time. Chesterfield has also purchased energy auditing and monitoring equipment, and educational materials that can be checked out by teachers and is investigating availability to residents through the library system.

Chesterfield’s energy and building guidelines include LEED certified goals, temperature set points, and energy-efficient behavior expectations and recommendations for employees. A recent LEED certified facility boasts light tubes, large rainwater collection underground cistern, pervious pavement, and an energy model of 24.8% less energy.

Savings and impacts of the program are far reaching, varied, and significant. Over the past five years, the County has seen a cumulative annual savings of more than $1.3M.

2nd Place: Virginia Beach Convention Center

Certified by the U.S. Green Building Council in 2010 and 2015, the LEED® Gold Virginia Beach Convention Center (VBCC) has been committed to energy-efficient operations since opening in 2007. As one of Virginia Beach’s largest buildings, VBCC uses an average of 604,000 kilowatt hours of electricity per month. Most recently, VBCC upgraded the lighting in the exhibit hall from metal halide to energy-efficient LEDs and implemented an automated electricity demand response program as part of VBCC’s heating, cooling, air conditioning and ventilation (HVAC) building controls. The demand response program is designed to limit the building’s peak power supply demand, which in turn lowers the demand placed on the regional power grid.

The program helps VBCC conserve electricity and save money by expanding the temperature set points within the various spaces in the building. Electrical switchgear integration into the building control software provided instantaneous kilowatt usage data. The HVAC controls monitor peak kilowatt usage in real time. At predetermined thresholds, the system automatically adjusts room temperatures by one to three degrees, effectively placing less demand on VBCC’s equipment and using less electricity. Upgrading the lighting and the automated demand response program has reduced the power supply peak demand by 15%, from 2,196 kilowatts to 1863 kilowatts, and saved $20,870 in electricity costs.

3rd Place: Fauquier County Government + Brighter Communities

Fauquier County Government (FCG) devised a 100-hour “volunteer” project to review building utility expenses. This led to the approval of 500 hours of a more in-depth benchmarking program for FCG buildings. Pressure to reduce energy expenses with minimal funding forced innovation and original thinking to revise processes and metrics.

Once building data was benchmarked, FCG began implementing measures to reduce energy use. These included: control changes for non-work hours; timely control system changes to avoid electric utility peak demand charges; and temperature control modifications on holidays. In three years, FCG saved $220,617 in building energy costs. In addition to original average annual costs of about $800K, this represented a savings of approximately 9%.



1st Place: Community Housing Partners

Community Housing PartnersSun Valley and The Landings are income-qualifying properties located on the outskirts of Radford, VA. Community Housing Partners (CHP) recently acquired the nearly identical properties consisting of 21 duplexes totaling 42 residences. All units use electric-resistance baseboard heating as their primary heat source and window A/C units for cooling.

In mid-2017, at the request of Virginia’s Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) to explore opportunities for applying federally-funded Weatherization Assistance Program toward more multi-family properties in Virginia, CHP pooled together resources to conduct a deep-energy retrofit on the properties. Coinciding with Weatherization Assistance Program funds, additional funds were leveraged from the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), Appalachian Power Company’s (APCo) Low-Income Weatherization Program, CHP Energy Solutions Emergency Home and Accessibility Repair Program, as well as an owner-contribution from CHP.

The scope of work developed would impact nearly all building systems and components: LED lighting, low-flow fixtures, water heater tank and hot water pipe insulation, making the building envelope more airtight, installing floor and attic insulation, and replacing the baseboard heating with a 16 SEER heat pump and air-sealed duct work. Saving estimates produced by the Department of Energy’s National Energy Audit Tool (NEAT) project an average 73% annual heating load reduction for each unit. Based on these projections, annual utility bills savings could amount to nearly $850 per household.

Behind the scenes, administrators and managers balanced the needs and requirements of all stakeholders involved in the project, including property maintenance and management staff, residents, DHCD, APCo, multiple subcontractors, and several stakeholders within the different departments of CHP. The experience learned from Sun Valley and The Landings will be applied to streamline future projects leveraging multiple funding sources.

2nd Place: Windy Hill Foundation + Brighter Communities

Windy Hill Foundation built 12 all-electric workforce housing units in The Plains, Virginia, which were certified EarthCraft. The housing units included two- and three-bedroom floor plans with identical layouts. Key building attributes included geothermal heating / cooling, high R-value insulation, metal roofs, geothermal water heaters, energy efficient windows / doors, and natural water retention / marsh areas on the property.

Energy Efficiency training was provided to residents and utility energy data was collected for 18 months. Energy usage was reduced in most units by 8% with some as high as 22%, indicating that occupant awareness, habits, and knowledge combined with timely results are essential to reducing energy usage.

3rd Place: Richmond Region Energy Alliance        

The EnergizeRVA program improves the home energy performance for low-moderate income homeowners and renters, whose family budgets are most burdened by high energy costs, but who do not qualify for other programs. EnergizeRVA trains volunteers and program recipients to install energy savings measures and provides them with information they can use for future improvements. Forty homes participated in the pilot program’s first year, and the program was able to reach it’s goal of achieving an average of 10% energy savings for the entire portfolio. All of the installed efficiency measures have a return on investment of six months to three years and clients can expect to save on average $150 per year on their utility bills.  

The lessons learned from this pilot program will be carried forward in future efforts to educate homeowners and help them improve their home’s energy efficiency and comfort, while saving money on utilities.



1st Place: Northern Virginia Regional Commission + Local Energy Alliance Program

Solarize NOVASolarize NoVA is a campaign coordinated with the Local Energy Alliance Program that links home energy efficiency with solar photovoltaic. Since its inception in 2014, more than 4,000 residents and businesses in Northern Virginia have signed up for the program. To date, the program has resulted in: 630 home energy checkups, resulting in 453,600 kWh saved; 15 completed multi-family apartment weatherization projects, resulting in 262,955 kWh saved; as well as 176 contracts for more than 1.3 MW of new solar installed with a contract value of more than $4.2M. All totaled, the efficiency measures and solar installations replace 2.5M kWh of electricity that does not have to be generated by a power plant. The dollar value of the energy saved or produced is $277,003 on an annual basis.  

The program has brought together the various local government jurisdictions through the Northern Virginia region to share this important program with residents and serves as a model in the Commonwealth on how government, the not-for-profit sector and the private sector can work together to achieve these results.

2nd Place: City of Roanoke + Better Building Works, LLC

Weatherize Roanoke is a “One Stop Shop” for free, affordable energy efficiency services for homes in the City of Roanoke. Ultimately, the service area was expanded to include the greater Roanoke Valley. The city convened public and private partners as stakeholders to aggregate available services into one program. Providing affordable energy efficiency to middle-income consumers is a longstanding ‘wicked problem’ since most existing building stock is decades old. Creating a public-private strategy bridges these gaps, and Weatherize Roanoke used energy efficiency as a catalyst.

Partnering with Better Building Works helped transform the traditional weatherization program. Their ‘building-as-a-system’ process made energy efficiency a catalyst for water use reduction, indoor air quality and public education. Neighborhood meetings showcased the Weatherize Roanoke website and registration for a free Energy Review. Homeowners received LED light bulbs, water heater blankets, water pipe insulation, low-flow showerheads and customized recommendations for home performance. On average, homeowners saved $78, 583 electric kWh, and 381 natural gas Therms a year. The City saw a 128% return on investment (in dollars to the local economy) at year one.

This project demonstrates how communities can broaden utility-sponsored programs through diversifying stakeholders beyond the traditional low-income focus.  

3rd Place: RIC Design Build

This 1924 Museum District rowhouse underwent a top-to-bottom renovation, enhancing and preserving its historic features while improving both functionality and energy efficiency for a new century of family life. Improvements included the conversion of a dark, damp basement and an unconditioned sun porch into fully-finished and conditioned spaces, adding 800 square feet of living space within the home’s original footprint. Elsewhere, interior partition walls were removed, an original skylight was restored and insulated glass doors were added on each floor to bring natural light into the home and decrease the need for daytime artificial lighting. Energy Star appliances and new light fixtures were installed throughout and a new HVAC system was added for a whole-house upgrade in energy efficiency. After completion of the renovation, the Energy Score was improved from 40,000 kWh per year to 17,000 kWh. This project illustrates the value of pairing aesthetic improvements with energy-saving upgrades, and integrating comfort and sustainability into a thoughtful renovation.

State Government

1st Place: Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy

Virginia Saves energy efficiency programThe VirginiaSAVES Green Communities Program was enabled by Governor McAuliffe in 2015 by Executive Order 36. The program was developed to utilize Virginia’s full allocation of Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds (QECBs) issued by the US Treasury.  It has done so, by providing subsidized low-cost financing to school districts, commercial, industrial, non-profit, institutional and local government borrowers without adding debt to the Commonwealth. The Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy (DMME) developed the program in partnership with program administrator CleanSource Capital, and conduit bond issuers Virginia Small Business Financing Authority and Virginia Resources Authority. Virginia Community Capital leads outreach and marketing efforts to connect project developers and clients with the program opportunity. Private sector lenders and energy services contractors are also vital partners.

To date, VirginiaSAVES has closed loans for 12 large energy performance contracts, across the Commonwealth. Clients include private businesses, local governments and educational facilities and projects encompass over 130 buildings with nearly six million square feet of conditioned space. Building retrofits financed through the program have guaranteed energy cost savings of $63.9 million over the life of the projects, which will help these organizations enhance their financial stability by reducing operating costs, improving cash flow, and freeing up resources for other investments that will benefit their communities. Annual greenhouse gas emissions from these projects will be reduced by over 16,000 metric tons. The projects will also create 755 jobs, with priority given to utilizing local contractors to perform the work, creating a “ripple effect” in local communities.  

The success of VirginiaSAVES also positions Virginia well for potential future allocations of QECBs, and may open up new opportunities for bond financing of energy efficiency projects using other sources.

2nd Place: Blue Ridge Regional Jail Authority

In 2014, the Blue Ridge Regional Jail Authority (BRRJA) entered into a guaranteed energy savings contract with Honeywell. The $3.9M project has a 15-year savings guarantee and was designed to create energy efficiency and taxpayer savings among all five of the BRRJA jail facilities in Central and Southside Virginia, while creating a full project payback timeframe of eleven years and nine months. BRRJA will continue to reap this financial reward well into the future. Years of fiscal responsibility by the Authority’s Board of Directors afforded Blue Ridge the opportunity to pay for the project out of reserve money. Financing the project would have meant lost opportunities to include more Energy Conservation Measures in the project. BRRJA chose to maximize its energy savings potential by avoiding loan interest.  

Almost half of the overall project cost was devoted to lighting and water retrofit upgrades. Communicating water conservation systems were installed in the Lynchburg and Halifax jails. BRRJA is pleased to include that the Amherst jail is LEED Silver certified! Guaranteed energy and operations savings from Honeywell totaled $334,568 in year one and is projected to increase by 2.5% annually for the 15-year life of said guarantee. Completing the energy savings project aided the BRRJA in fulfilling its overall mission of supporting the criminal justice system by operating its centers in a manner that produces a safe and secure environment for the public, staff, and inmates.

3rd Place: Virginia Department of Corrections

The Department of Corrections’ (DOC) Greensville Correctional Center is Virginia’s largest prison, housing approximately 3,000 inmates. Efficiency improvements at the boiler plant will save $231,410 the first year. The project will also install LED lighting to replace existing yard lights, leading to $48,261 in savings the first year. DOC plans to re-invest that savings in electrical system replacements that are crucial to prison’s operation, but which could not be funded by capital.  

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