Tag: workshop

Talking Energy Efficiency to Any Audience

Last week, the VAEEC held our first-ever Summer Workshop, Talking Energy Efficiency to Any Audience. The idea originated through staff conversations about how do you explain energy efficiency to elementary students at a career day or to our parents when they are concerned about rising utility bills.

During the event, attendees heard from three experts on how to discuss energy efficiency with your neighbors, business owners, contractors, and kids. Facilitators included:

  • Corey Argentino, EarthRight,
  • Michael Flanagan, Quick AC Quote, and,
  • Josh Woodruff, Franklin Energy.

Afterward, we self-selected into small groups to work with those facilitators on our own pitch. Key takeaways included:

  • Energy Efficiency is frequently confused with solar. Provide examples of efficiency measures (insulation, LED lighting, system controls, etc.) to distinguish the difference between the two, and explain the importance of efficiency before renewables (the cheapest kilowatt is the kilowatt saved);
  • It is difficult to sell a free service to people- they tend to be skeptical about free programs or products; and
  • Money talks. Sharing projected utility bill savings goes a long way in convincing someone to implement energy efficiency measures.

The event concluded with ample networking time for attendees to connect over food and beverages.

Thank you, Franklin Energy, for sponsoring this event.

We are hosting a second workshop, Selling the ‘Why’ of Energy Efficiency, on August 17th from 4:00-6:00 pm. Registration is open and free for VAEEC members. Not yet a VAEEC member? Join our network today, or pay $10 for workshop registration.