Legislative Priorities Archive
The VAEEC often supports legislation on energy efficiency. Below you will find information on our legislative priorities from 2015 to 2020.
To learn about the legislation we are currently supporting, check out our Policy page.
VAEEC Legislative Priorities
Check out this blog post for a recap of the 2020 General Assembly session, which marked a monumental shift in Virginia’s energy policy.
VAEEC Legislative Priorities
- HB 2243 (Sullivan): EE Revolving Loan Fund
- HB 2292 (Sullivan) and SB 1662 (Wagner): “Show Your Work” and Auto-extension
- HB 2293 (Sullivan) and SB 1605 (Ebbin): EE Stakeholder bill
- HB 2332 (Keam): Data Access bill
VAEEC Legislative Priorities
- SB 855 (Sturtevant)/ HB 1261 (Hugo): Cost-effectiveness tests used in utility proceedings
- SB 696 (Lewis)/ HB 1273 (Bulova/ Helsel): Governor’s bill requiring action for Virginia to join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) to regulate carbon emissions from power plants
- SB 894 (Wagner)/ HB 560 (Sullivan): These bills would create the Virginia Energy Efficiency Revolving Fund to provide no interest loans to localities, public schools and public institutions of higher education for energy efficiency projects.
- HB 204 (Sullivan): Commercial Benchmarking enabling legislation
VAEEC Legislative Priorities
Get the latest update on bills working through Virginia’s 2017 General Assembly session.
VAEEC Legislative Priorities
Below is a list of bills that were introduced in Virginia’s 2016 General Assembly session that the Virginia Energy Efficiency Council endorsed.
- HB 352: (Del. Ware) RIM Bill
- SB 395: (Del. Alexander) Governor’s bill; investor-owned electric utilities; energy efficiency performance incentive
- HB 1053: (Del. Kilgore) Governor’s bill; investor-owned electric utilities; energy efficiency performance incentive
- HB 1174: (Del. Sullivan) Electric energy; consumption reduction goal, report
2015 VAEEC Legislative Priorities
Read the VAEEC statement on energy efficiency legislation passed in 2015.