2022 Virginia Energy Efficiency Leadership Awards
This is the seventh year in which the VAEEC has honored individuals, organizations, and companies for their energy efficiency achievements. On Tuesday, November 1st, in conjunction with our 2022 Energy Efficiency Forum, we celebrated the winners of this year’s Virginia Energy Efficiency Leadership Awards. The awards showcase how entities across the Commonwealth are saving money on energy bills, reducing energy consumption, and stimulating job growth and our economy.
Once again, this was a competitive process, which highlights the great work being accomplished in Virginia. These are the stories and achievements that help us talk with legislators and other decision-makers about the importance of the Commonwealth’s energy efficiency industry.
2022 Award Winners
Chiller Plant Phase II Project at Virginia Tech
Awarded to the Virginia Tech Division of Campus Planning, Infrastructure, and Facilities
Appalachian Power Company Virginia Low-Income Multifamily Program
Awarded to Appalachian Power
Weatherization Deferral and Repair Program: Eastern Shore Spotlight
Awarded to project:HOMES

In the Summer of 2019, Virginia Tech initiated the Chiller Plant Phase II project. After a few years, critical upgrades have been completed, leaving the Blacksburg campus with increased energy and operational efficiency.
Chiller Plant Phase II Project at Virginia Tech
Presented to the Virginia Tech Division of Campus Planning, Infrastructure, and Facilities
Historically, two chiller plants provided chilled water to certain buildings on the Virginia Tech campus via independent networks of underground pipes. The Chiller Plant Phase II project upgraded and connected these plants to form a main chilled water loop that serves almost 40% of air-conditioned buildings on campus. Three LEED-compliant chillers have been installed at the two plants, increasing the capacity and distribution of the system. Additionally, over four miles of large underground piping was installed, which helped connect the two plants. Several direct chilled water connections were added to the system, expanding the loop to reach additional critical facilities. Buildings with older, stand-alone, less efficient chillers had these assets decommissioned and were added to the network.
When looking at electrical demand related to chilled water generation, the Blacksburg campus has recognized over a 50% kWh reduction compared to the five-year annual average prior to this project kicking off. This 54% drop in electrical consumption for FY 2022 translates to a cost avoidance of $1.8 million. In addition to the efficiencies and savings, the upgraded plants and piping network have yielded an improvement in acoustics and aesthetics on campus. By bringing individually chilled buildings into the loop, facilities experience less downtime stemming from repairs. The increased capacity and loop also support future campus expansion. This project also provided important employment opportunities to the surrounding community.

APCo VA-LIMF is the first ever utility-sponsored weatherization program specifically focused on income-qualifying multifamily housing stock in Virginia.
Appalachian Power Company Virginia Low-Income Multifamlly Program
Presented to Appalachian Power Company
The Appalachian Power Company (APCo) Virginia Low-Income Multifamily Program (VA-LIMF) aims to generate energy savings for high-usage residential income-qualifying customers through evaluation and implementation of energy-saving improvement opportunities. The program provides participants with the installation of cost-effective weatherization and energy-saving product upgrades based upon auditor recommendations in eligible dwellings. APCo’s VA-LIMF also includes an educational component for participating customers on ways to effectively manage their energy usage.
CHP Energy Solutions serves as the program implementer for APCo’s VA-LIMF, as well as one of eleven participating weatherization service providers (WSPs). In coordination with the participating WSP’s, energy efficiency and health and safety measures are delivered to income-qualifying APCo customers residing in multifamily housing stock – a housing stock historically underserved through the federal Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) due to funding limitations.
In the program’s inaugural year, 2021, nearly 1 million kWh of realized net energy savings was generated through energy efficiency services, as well as improved health outcomes covered by the program’s health and safety budget. Approximately $3 million in incentives were made available in 2021, supplementing WAP funds and supporting countless jobs between WSP’s, trade allies, and material suppliers.
APCo VA-LIMF is the first ever utility-sponsored weatherization program specifically focused on income-qualifying multifamily housing stock in Virginia. The program takes a bold approach by focusing on the custom energy efficiency measures needed to reduce energy burdens for residents living in multifamily housing stock.

Since the start of Virginia’s WDR program, project:HOMES’ deferral rate has dropped 62%, allowing them to serve more homes than ever before. RGGI funds are making a big difference in Virginia’s communities, helping residents, and supporting solid workforce and economic growth.
Weatherization, Deferral, and Repair (WDR) Eastern Shore Spotlight
Presented to project:HOMES
When a home is in too severe of disrepair to qualify for federal weatherization services, Weatherization Assistance Providers (WAPs) must walk away, or defer, the project. However, Virginia’s participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) provided the solution they needed through the Weatherization Deferral and Repair Fund. This funding allows WAPs to expand the scope of their services!
The most common reasons for deferrals are roofing and heating system issues. On the Eastern Shore, project:HOMES used WDR funds to provide 15 new roofs, and install safe heating systems in ten households. Instead of having to walk away, some residents now live in safe, dry homes with reduced risk of fire, carbon monoxide poisoning, and breathing problems.
In just 15 months, project:HOMES has submitted 177 single-family projects for WDR support. They have also completed an emergency shelter and two multifamily properties, with three more multifamily properties in the que. WDR is reshaping how WAPs do their work.
Project:HOMES and WDR staff have worked together to refine and streamline the process. By improving their methods, and building a strong subcontractor network, project:HOMES is able to deliver WDR services throughout the 23 counties and 11 cities in their service area.