VAEEC Supports Efforts to Enhance, Expedite Cost-Saving Energy Efficiency Programs

For Immediate Release: March 6, 2012
Contact: Cynthia Adams,


Virginia Energy Efficiency Council Supports Efforts to Enhance, Expedite Cost-Saving Energy Efficiency Programs for Residents, Businesses

Hearing Before State Corporation Commission Considers New Demand-Side Management Programs from Dominion

Richmond, Virginia – Several representatives from the trade organization Virginia Energy Efficiency Council (VAEEC) will testify today before the Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC) in support of a suite of residential and commercial energy efficiency programs proposed by Dominion Virginia Power. VAEEC believes these Demand-Side Management programs – including a “Residential Bundle Program” that supports Home Energy Check-Ups, duct testing and sealing and heat pump tune-up and upgrades – would save consumers money, help Virginia meet its 10% efficiency goal by 2022, and hold down energy costs whether or not you participate in the program by reducing the need for costly new power plants.

“Current regulatory burdens have long put the brakes on sensible, cost-saving energy efficiency programs. The SCC can speed that up by approving this suite of initiatives from Dominion that incorporates best practices and proven results from across country,” said Cynthia Adams, Executive Director of the Local Energy Alliance Program (LEAP) and a member of the VAEEC Steering Committee who testifies before the SCC today.

“Clearly, the energy we have to create is more expensive than the energy we don’t use.  Energy efficiency is the cheapest resource for energy.  We support the funding of Dominion’s programs as they give consumers the opportunity to choose it,” says Adams in her prepared testimony.

“The Richmond Region Energy Alliance supports Dominion’s DSM programs as the incentives will help homeowners lower the energy bills and will help towards meeting the state’s energy efficiency goal of reducing residential electricity consumption by 10 percent by 2022, based on usage during the year 2006,” said Bill Greenleaf, Executive Director of the Richmond Region Energy Alliance and member of the VAEEC Steering Committee who also testified today.


The Virginia Energy Efficiency Council is a newly formed trade organization whose mission is to promote policies, programs, and technologies that expand investment in energy efficiency, our most affordable domestic energy resource.

VAEEC Applauds Dominion’s Proposed Cost-Saving Energy Efficiency Programs

For Immediate Release: March 6, 2012
Contact: Cynthia Adams,


Virginia Energy Efficiency Council Applauds Dominion’s Proposed Cost-Saving Energy Efficiency Programs for Residents, Businesses

State Corporation Commission Authorizes New Demand-Side Management Programs

Richmond, Virginia – The trade organization Virginia Energy Efficiency Council (VAEEC) this week applauded Dominion Virginia Power and the State Corporation Commission (SCC) for proposing and approving, respectively, a suite of residential energy efficiency programs. In early March several representatives from VAEEC testified before the SCC in support of these Demand-Side Management initiatives – including a “Residential Bundle Program” that supports Home Energy Check-Ups, duct testing and sealing and heat pump tune-up and upgrades – that will save consumers money, help Virginia meet its 10% efficiency goal by 2022, and hold down energy costs whether or not you participate in the program by reducing the need for costly new power plants.

The SCC, which authorized the measures Monday, posted a press release online with details:

“The State Corporation Commission opened the door for expanding the energy efficiency industry in Virginia by approving this suite of initiatives from Dominion, which will help participating homeowners lower bills and stimulate the local building trades,” said Cynthia Adams, Executive Director of the Local Energy Alliance Program (LEAP) and member of the VAEEC Steering Committee. “Clearly, the energy we have to create is more expensive than the energy we don’t use.  Energy efficiency is the cheapest resource for energy, and we applaud Dominion for proposing programs that support their customers in choosing it.”

“Efficiency First is pleased to see the SCC recognize the importance of Demand-Side Management Initiatives by approving Dominion Virginia Power’s latest proposal.  These first steps lay a solid foundation for future programs to include the full range of energy efficiency measures, such as air sealing and insulation. The strength of these programs offer tangible results to homeowners and are a boost to the local contractor community,” said Aneil Kumar of Efficiency First, Virginia.

Even with approval and implementation of these new programs, Virginia falls short of meeting the General Assembly’s goal of 10% energy savings by 2022.  The VAEEC and its business and stakeholder members actively promote efforts that expand and enhance ways for homeowners and businesses to help close that gap.

VAEEC Applauds Governor McDonnell’s Energy Legislative Package

Press release:

Charlottesville, VA – January 5, 2012 – Today, Governor Bob McDonnell unveiled his upcoming energy legislative priorities for the 2012 Session of the Virginia General Assembly.  The Virginia Energy Efficiency Council (VAEEC) applauds the effort of the Governor on his “all of the above” approach which includes energy conservation and efficiency.

The Governor includes a proposal to eliminate regulatory uncertainty on how energy efficiency programs are approved by the State Corporation Commission (SCC).  This new legislation allows the SCC to approve energy efficiency programs which pass three out of four cost benefit tests.  In addition, this proposal aids utilities in promoting and offering additional energy efficiency programs to low-income individuals and seniors.  This bill would apply both to the electric and natural gas markets.

“The VAEEC approves of the energy efficiency proposal in the Governor’s energy legislative package and looks forward to working with him, bill patrons Delegates Ware and Cosgrove and Senators Watkins and Puckett, and others in the General Assembly to pass such needed legislation.  Energy efficiency is an engine of economic growth – creating jobs in Virginia while consumers save money on their energy bills.  It is a win-win situation,” said Cynthia Adams, Executive Director of LEAP-VA and founder of the VAEEC.

“With this legislation residents of Virginia will have more opportunities to improve their home’s energy performance and reduce their utility bills,” states Bill Greenleaf, Executive Director of the Richmond Region Energy Alliance.

“The Governor is doing the right thing for the Commonwealth and its residents,” said Paul Orzeske, president of Honeywell Building Solutions. “Generating ‘negawatts’ — or using less — is the cheapest and greenest source of energy. Efforts to increase efficiency also boost energy security and put people to work. The Governor’s proposals will encourage more programs that help homeowners and businesses trim utility consumption and costs, putting Virginia on the path to becoming a preeminent leader in energy efficiency.


About the VAEEC

The Virginia Energy Efficiency Council is a newly formed trade organization whose mission is to promote policies, programs, and technologies that expand investment in energy efficiency, our most affordable domestic energy resource.

ACEEE Report: U.S. Better Off “Thinking Big” about Energy Efficiency

WASHINGTON, D.C.—America is thinking too small when it comes to energy efficiency, while also making the mistake of “crowding out” economically beneficial investments in energy efficiency by focusing on riskier and more expensive bids to develop new energy sources, according to a major new report from the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE). Read more here.

Bring on the Negawatt

Written by Cynthia Adams, Executive Director LEAP-VA and VAEEC Steering Committee Member

I work in the “energy” industry, which is an interesting thing in and of itself since the main focus of the nonprofit I run is to create energy through not using it. LEAP implements residential and commercial energy efficiency programs in central and northern Virginia. We seek to create the “negawatt” instead of the “megawatt.” It’s a bit of a stretch for a commodity, I know. A gallon of oil, we get. A cord of wood, no problem. A tank of propane, sure. Even a battery has something of substance to it, but a negawatt? What’s that?

In the classic economic terms of supply and demand, Virginia has more demand for power than we can supply in state – in terms of generation, that is. Our power companies purchase power from others who make it, and those electrons make their way through the power lines (known as the grid), all the way to our homes and businesses. Could be they were made by a turbine in a coal-fired plant in West Virginia, or a gas plant in Ohio, but we import a significant amount of power in our state. Like all who do not own the source or the supply chain, we are at risk to rising costs for that power we need.

Utilities like Dominion Virginia Power are building new power plants to meet the increasing demand and to upgrade or retire older, less efficient plants. In fact, our state’s regulatory body, the State Corporation Commission, recently approved Dominion building a new gas-fired power plant in Warren County. Because it costs money to create new power through generation ($1.1 billion for the Warren County plant), there is value to creating “new” power through removing the need for it. The negawatt can be bought and sold on the grid similar to other electrons. At LEAP we try to educate people on this whenever possible because the power plant we build in the aggregate through energy improvements brings with it many other benefits as well. It saves building owners money, and it employs people in the local community. Another power plant may keep the lights on, but it won’t improve the value of your home, free up operating capital, or help a neighbor make ends meet.

This legislative session the VAEEC is excited to see and support a bill in the Governor’s Energy Package which helps to remove a regulatory burden from utilities seeking to create energy efficiency programs for residents and businesses. Our State Corporation Commission approves or denies utilities’ requests to fund new programs, build new plants, run new power lines. Some worry about increasing rates if utilities create efficiency programs because the funding for them has to come from somewhere. In the end, we don’t keep rates lower because we do less efficiency – power companies will buy more and build more to make up for the deficit, and the $.65 added to the average residential customer’s monthly bill to fund the Warren power plant is a case in point. Energy efficiency costs $.03 – $.04 a kWh to fund, vs. the $.08 – $.10 kWh for a natural gas plant like the one in Warren County. Either way, we pay the bill (plant or program), and you don’t need to be a professional in the energy field to figure out the power you don’t use is a heck of a lot cheaper than the power you have to make.

Bring on the Negawatt

Written by Cynthia Adams, Executive Director LEAP-VA and VAEEC Steering Committee Member

I work in the “energy” industry, which is an interesting thing in and of itself since the main focus of the nonprofit I run is to create energy through not using it. LEAP implements residential and commercial energy efficiency programs in central and northern Virginia. We seek to create the “negawatt” instead of the “megawatt.” It’s a bit of a stretch for a commodity, I know. A gallon of oil, we get. A cord of wood, no problem. A tank of propane, sure. Even a battery has something of substance to it, but a negawatt? What’s that?

In the classic economic terms of supply and demand, Virginia has more demand for power than we can supply in state – in terms of generation, that is. Our power companies purchase power from others who make it, and those electrons make their way through the power lines (known as the grid), all the way to our homes and businesses. Could be they were made by a turbine in a coal-fired plant in West Virginia, or a gas plant in Ohio, but we import a significant amount of power in our state. Like all who do not own the source or the supply chain, we are at risk to rising costs for that power we need.

Utilities like Dominion Virginia Power are building new power plants to meet the increasing demand and to upgrade or retire older, less efficient plants. In fact, our state’s regulatory body, the State Corporation Commission, recently approved Dominion building a new gas-fired power plant in Warren County. Because it costs money to create new power through generation ($1.1 billion for the Warren County plant), there is value to creating “new” power through removing the need for it. The negawatt can be bought and sold on the grid similar to other electrons. At LEAP we try to educate people on this whenever possible because the power plant we build in the aggregate through energy improvements brings with it many other benefits as well. It saves building owners money, and it employs people in the local community. Another power plant may keep the lights on, but it won’t improve the value of your home, free up operating capital, or help a neighbor make ends meet.

This legislative session the VAEEC is excited to see and support a bill in the Governor’s Energy Package which helps to remove a regulatory burden from utilities seeking to create energy efficiency programs for residents and businesses. Our State Corporation Commission approves or denies utilities’ requests to fund new programs, build new plants, run new power lines. Some worry about increasing rates if utilities create efficiency programs because the funding for them has to come from somewhere. In the end, we don’t keep rates lower because we do less efficiency – power companies will buy more and build more to make up for the deficit, and the $.65 added to the average residential customer’s monthly bill to fund the Warren power plant is a case in point. Energy efficiency costs $.03 – $.04 a kWh to fund, vs. the $.08 – $.10 kWh for a natural gas plant like the one in Warren County. Either way, we pay the bill (plant or program), and you don’t need to be a professional in the energy field to figure out the power you don’t use is a heck of a lot cheaper than the power you have to make.

VAEEC Applauds Governor McDonnell’s Energy Legislative Package

Charlottesville, VA – January 5, 2012 – Today, Governor Bob McDonnell unveiled his upcoming energy legislative priorities for the 2012 Session of the Virginia General Assembly.  The Virginia Energy Efficiency Council (VAEEC) applauds the effort of the Governor on his “all of the above” approach which includes energy conservation and efficiency.

The Governor includes a proposal to eliminate regulatory uncertainty on how energy efficiency programs are approved by the State Corporation Commission (SCC).  This new legislation allows the SCC to approve energy efficiency programs which pass three out of four cost benefit tests.  In addition, this proposal aids utilities in promoting and offering additional energy efficiency programs to low-income individuals and seniors.  This bill would apply both to the electric and natural gas markets.

“The VAEEC approves of the energy efficiency proposal in the Governor’s energy legislative package and looks forward to working with him, bill patrons Delegates Ware and Cosgrove and Senators Watkins and Puckett, and others in the General Assembly to pass such needed legislation.  Energy efficiency is an engine of economic growth – creating jobs in Virginia while consumers save money on their energy bills.  It is a win-win situation,” said Cynthia Adams, Executive Director of LEAP-VA and founder of the VAEEC.

“With this legislation residents of Virginia will have more opportunities to improve their home’s energy performance and reduce their utility bills,” states Bill Greenleaf, Executive Director of the Richmond Region Energy Alliance.

“The Governor is doing the right thing for the Commonwealth and its residents,” said Paul Orzeske, president of Honeywell Building Solutions. “Generating ‘negawatts’ — or using less — is the cheapest and greenest source of energy. Efforts to increase efficiency also boost energy security and put people to work. The Governor’s proposals will encourage more programs that help homeowners and businesses trim utility consumption and costs, putting Virginia on the path to becoming a preeminent leader in energy efficiency.


About the VAEEC

The Virginia Energy Efficiency Council is a newly formed trade organization whose mission is to promote policies, programs, and technologies that expand investment in energy efficiency, our most affordable domestic energy resource.

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