Here’s how states can lead on clean energy

Terry McAuliffe, a Democrat, is the governor of Virginia.

Climate change poses a serious threat to every Virginian’s way of life. Unchecked, it will affect everything from our water quality to the air we breathe to whether and where residents can make investments or buy a home.

The Hampton Roads region is the second-most vulnerable area in the United States, behind New Orleans, to the costly impacts of sea-level rise. Because it is home to the largest naval station in the world, sea-level change threatens not only our infrastructure but also our national security.

We also have $92 billion worth of residential property at risk of damage from increased storm surges. Half of Virginia’s counties face increased risk of water shortages by 2050 caused by climate-related weather shifts.

Virginia may be particularly vulnerable, but this story is not unique to our state. The effects of climate change will increasingly pose a threat to communities and economies in every corner of the country and the world.

Read more (The Washington Post)